Friday, July 3, 2009


Weeks before that fated day I had scheduled to teach a meditation class. The class was six weeks and the first day was September 11, 2001 in St. Augustine, Florida
I had ten people signed up and as the day approached I was looking forward to it. I must admit I did sense that something big was going to happen for several weeks and I was having trouble sleeping, but I had no idea what it actually was.
Even after watching the news all day, I decided I was going to teach who ever showed up, despite what had happened.. All ten students were present that night and everyone felt it was important to be there.

As the weeks progressed one of the students told us her sister was in the twin towers when it happened.. She came to class after going back to New York to see her sister and described what her sister told her.

She said that her sister was coming down the stairway with several other people, yet she felt like she was being carried down the stairway by an angel. She described her feet barely touching the stairs, and when she got outside the building, she heard a very loud voice within, scream RUN.

Yet there was no one around her at that moment. But she just ran and ran, and within minutes she heard an explosion behind her and realized she had been saved.
It was not her time to die. I believe that the meditation class helped all of us cope with the tragedy together. There was no accident to picking that day to begin.

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