Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Being grateful

On the eve of Thanksgiving, I am thinking about all the things I am grateful for.
First I am grateful that my children are with me and healthy.
I am also grateful that I have my health.
I am grateful for all the wonderful caring friends I have.
I am grateful I have a roof over my head and food to eat on the table.
I am grateful for music that brings harmony to my soul.
I am grateful for movies that allow me to get so involved that I forget about my problems for several hours.
I am grateful to books that keep me inspired to push ahead despite difficult circumstances.


Friends, how important they are

I am so grateful for all my wonderful friends. Without them I don't know where I would be. I especially want to thank Windi, Shantell, Mary, Mischelle, Christina, and especially Vince. They have been there for me, in their own special ways.
I am truly blessed to have such caring people in my life.
Friends are important, and if you find yourself with no one to talk to getting involved in groups, organizations and taking classes can be extremely good places to meet people.

Thankyou my special friends for standing by me and loving me unconditionally.

Dr. Silver

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dealing with Loss

In life we all go through experiences of Loss. My first experience with loss was when I was 2/3 years old. My grandmother was with me everyday of my life and when I was three she died. At three you don't understand where that person has gone.
In my mind she disappeared. My mother told me that I had a very difficult time, but one day she came to visit me at the end of my bed. She told me she loved me, and she would always be with me. She asked me to take care of my mother for her.
Apparently I ran into my mum's room and called her a liar, telling her Nana was still with me.
That was the beginning of my spiritual awareness that there is no such thing as death.
From that point on, I was very aware of things that other dismiss.
As a psychic I am very highly sensitive to others pain.
I have found that being in touch with the spirit world has helped me to accept we are never alone, and even if we feel it. It is not true.
When you are feeling pain and loss. Don't forget to reach out to the people who do care about you, your friends and family if they are available.
Keep yourself busy. Its okay to cry, but don't get stuck in the pain.
Work through it.
Breath, go for nature walks, take baths, and talk to people. Even strangers can offer words of wisdom.
There is no such thing as a stranger, just someone you haven't met yet.
We are all one.

Dr. Silver

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My personal loss

Several weeks ago at the heart of the Balloon Boy incident, my world came crashing down on me. I kept up a smiling face but underneath I was in pain. My partner, Sam of over seven years walked out on me and my children.
I loved Sam dearly, but for some reason he chose to go in another direction.
I miss him but have learned in life the old saying. If you love someone, let them go, if they come back they really love you.
We have some wonderful memories and have experienced so much together. As far as I am concerned he was a wonderful father to my children.
We feel a tremendous loss in my family.
I am taking one day at a time, and staying positive.

Dr. Silver

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 11, 2009

This day is the opening of the spiritual doorway. It was an 11/11/11 day.
On this day the vatican announced that it was looking into extra terrestrial life.
This is so significant. They would not look into anything unless they were pretty certain that there was life out there.
Then today on Friday 13th Nasa announced that there was water found on the moon.
A significant amount.
What does all this mean?
It means that we have to be prepared for the extra terrestrials to make their presence extremely known very soon.
They have been waiting for us to wake up to the truth.
The church is ready to understand that God is unlimited, and its time that everyone realized that there is alot we do not know.
Having had personal experiences that confirm to me that they are real.
It is very exciting to see what will unfold.
The doorway opened to reveal all truth on November 11.
Be prepared for alot more exciting events to take place.

Dr. Silver

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dealing with deceit

It has been a very challenging time for me this past two weeks. When Richard Heene deceived America and the rest of the world, my life took a spin.
Why do people have the need to lie to others. What makes someone do something like that?
As a psychic I always give people the benefit of the doubt. I often see people souls and see their potential. But often people do not want to follow the right "light" path. They are filled with anger, rage or desperation.
The aftermath of this kind of deceit can be really tough to handle.
But if someone has lied or deceived you, instead of blaming yourself, realize that this person has some serious problems that has nothing to do with you.
It is important not to bring yourself down to their level. You may hate what they did, but try not to hate them.
If deceit has really taken place, you may be extremely hurt and its okay to cry and even scream. I find the best thing is to write to that person, as many times as you want to and burn each letter and put it out in nature.
By doing this, you don't take it in. You can release that pain.
Nowadays people turn to substances to handle situations. Promise yourself not to do that, take baths, take walks, talk to friends and be kind to yourself.

Dr. Silver