Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dealing with deceit

It has been a very challenging time for me this past two weeks. When Richard Heene deceived America and the rest of the world, my life took a spin.
Why do people have the need to lie to others. What makes someone do something like that?
As a psychic I always give people the benefit of the doubt. I often see people souls and see their potential. But often people do not want to follow the right "light" path. They are filled with anger, rage or desperation.
The aftermath of this kind of deceit can be really tough to handle.
But if someone has lied or deceived you, instead of blaming yourself, realize that this person has some serious problems that has nothing to do with you.
It is important not to bring yourself down to their level. You may hate what they did, but try not to hate them.
If deceit has really taken place, you may be extremely hurt and its okay to cry and even scream. I find the best thing is to write to that person, as many times as you want to and burn each letter and put it out in nature.
By doing this, you don't take it in. You can release that pain.
Nowadays people turn to substances to handle situations. Promise yourself not to do that, take baths, take walks, talk to friends and be kind to yourself.

Dr. Silver

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for the advice. I agree. It is hard but if we remember who we are, our values and the kind of person we are or want to be it makes it easier to forgive.
