Friday, September 4, 2009


There is something I feel very strongly about and that is healthcare. I really don't understand what we are all debating about. For the people who don't have health care and cannot afford it, there is no debate, we want it.

I was raised in England and as you all know England gives their citizens health care. If you are sick you can go to the doctor at anytime.

When I was small I was bitten by the neighbors dog, my parents rushed me to the hospital across the street and they took care of me immediately, my leg had stitches and I was out playing again the next day. My parents didn't have to worry about whether they could afford to take me, they didn't have to mortgage their house to take me to the hospital. It was all provided.

I believe as a civilized country, it is time we cared in America about our citizens. Not just the rich ones, but everyone. We pride ourselves by always saying we are a religious country and that we believe in God. We help other countries when they face difficult circumstances. Yet we turn our back on our neighbors and friends.

Face it folks, people cannot afford health care. Fact. People are being turned down everyday by insurance companies for pre existing health problems. People are avoiding doctors who could save their lives because they cannot afford to go. Facts.
The insurance companies are running our lives.

We need to take back our health care from the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies.

We are the government. It will be our health care plan.

Don't let people give you horror stories about how the health care will be worse. For those that still want private insurance and can afford it, they can have it. But for those of us, that just want to go to the doctor without it costing a fortune for every test he prescribes, we just want to be able to go.

Please stop all the bickering back and forth. We need affordable health care in this country.

Its time we lived what we preached in this country. Care about others less fortunate than yourself.

What would Jesus do? He believed everyone should be healthy. He believed in loving everyone.

Start caring America.

Vote yes for everyone to have affordable health care.

I believe it will be the beginning of wonderful things for our country if we make this change for the citizens.

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