Sunday, June 28, 2009

St. Augustine Beach UFOs

I first arrived in St. Augustine in 1997. Soon after I arrived I started to have dreams about UFO's. In one of the dreams I was in the ocean, and there were several dolphins surrounding me. For some reason I could breath under the water and the dolphins took me deep in the ocean to an underwater ship. I don't remember much else but I woke up with a very strong peace.

Another time I dreamed that a ship came out of the ocean. It was beautiful and all the dolphins were jumping all around it. Since that time, I have been very aware of UFO's and extra terrestrials in my life, but especially when I am at or on the ocean. I have written about some of my other experiences in my first book, A Voice From Heaven.

At first I was very shocked by it, but as a hypnotherapist and psychic I have met alot of clients that have had similar experiences at the ocean here in St. Augustine. I have learned to accept my experiences and others and believe that this is a magnificient universe and all things are possible.

Alot of people come to St. Augustine for our ghost walks, but walking and being by our ocean is even more magical. I have often married people at the ocean and the experience is always life changing. Several years ago I held a group drum circle on the beach. It was fantastic and everyone felt a connection to great spirit. We were all one. People still talk about it when I bump into them.

Take a look at my website, for more about me and UFO experiences, and sign in to my forum to discuss your experiences.

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