Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My regression with Dr. Sheree Silver

The regression I did today was so powerful, I have the client writing it all in her own words as she told it to me under hypnosis.

In her own words:

I'm directed to look down at my feet. I'm asked what am I wearing. I'm barefoot on the earth, wearing a white dress. In my right hand, there is a crystal. I look forward to a river, to my right is a tree. I'm in a forest. To my left is the forest with a path and behind me a village. There is a swing near by, a friend is swinging. She is familiar. We have a close bond. I'm asked the mode of transportation in this time - Horses, but mostly people just walk. The food here is a porridge type meal, grains and wooden bowls and wooden spoons to eat with. Though I don't eat much of the food, or perhaps at all. My profession is that of a healer. I work with crystals. I'm asked to see myself in my work and how I work. I see myself surround someone who is laying down on the ground with crystals. I intuitively know which crystals go where. Once the crystals are place I stand up and walk around the person. I stretch out my arms and glide my hands over the persons energy field sometimes humming, sometimes singing tones. This toning is done while I walk around the person as well, depending on what is intuitively guiding the healing. It is done through connecting with the energy fields and using the body as an instrument for healing. Toning, humming, focused intention, prayer, thoughts of color over specific zones of the body are the techniques I use in this healing session. I feel like I'm being redundant right now. Anyway,I'm now asked what time period this I am in. First thought is the 1800's though I'm confused when this thought comes in because when I'm asked to move to a major event happening I see fires, people burning. I think to myself -This doesn't make any sense - People weren't burning in the 1800's were they? I continue with the memory anyway - I'm watching someone be burned. There's a crowd watching. I'm watching further from the distance though I can see straight into the person's eyes (soul) who is being burned. "I'm going to set this straight" I think to myself - I turn away and disappear out of the town.

What happened Next - I am asked. Well - I head to the council of light where I came from to set up a plan. I go to them saying what we're doing isn't working. The species is still killing each other. What do we do? So we set a plan in place. Volunteers step fourth and we plan to send ourselves back, this time born into the world.

What Sherrie wrote on the notes of the session is this (because my words of communication are fuzzy right now, I'm just gonna go with what she wrote) -
"What happened next?" is the question - "Going to Council. Plan is made to send client (me) and others to correct course of humanity. Here to remind each other. White council of light. Can access all dimensions from this central point. Light Body activation," is the noted response.

I remember explaining to her - Only the pure may enter. This has to do with the ability to recognize this place, one must recognize ones own purity. One's own true space of origination. In doing so, you enter the realm of the white council. There's a certain sense of integrity and memory that is required to REMEMBER your way HOME. Know what I mean? So the plan was set up to send us back, born into the world and then link up as time goes on and as we meet we would be instantly reminded or activated to remember our mission and guide each other along.

I then get sad - Why are you sad? Sheree asks me. " Because - Not everyone is remembering and we have work to do! " Then I remember, wait, we are all remembering, this is working. THIS IS WORKING!

I am asked how I die, and I don't remember dying in this lifetime. At first I thought well it could have been bow and arrow or fire, but it wasn't the bow and arrow was from another life, this life I left on a ship. A flying ship. A multidimensional time traveling light ship.

If you don't mind, I'm just going to copy the notes Sheree wrote and explain as we go along.

Sheree asked me about addictions and how humanity is to heal.
" All addictions must be dropped. Body vehicles of light. Alcohol, drugs, food being dropped. Painful to unaware people, not knowing what is going on.
This planet will not be destroyed. Beings who remain, to use light to restore harmony, balance, peace to planet. "

How does one drop addictions? Sheree asks

"I choose to be light. Willingness light can enter."

What else?

"Ceremonies, gatherings, gatherings, gatherings GATHERINGS - Love and light. This will cause REMEMBRANCE of love. There will be breakthroughs of tears, hugs, embracement. Harmony is restored. Peace is restored. Every being in EXISTENCE is helping this planet right now. there is not one AWARE being who is not paying attention to Earth right now.

Every being is helping this planet. And all it takes is to ask for awareness.

Sheree asks me to ask "how did I get here?"
This is really the point towards the end where I became comfortable talking about the ship - I'm embarrassed at first to admit I don't see a birth or death in this lifetime - but hey it's the truth of the memory so I just let go.

She asks more about healing and what it will take for humanity -

These are her notes from my response
"Return to source to original divination. Natures Bringing together the TRIBES Awakening."

She asks me to ask the counsel "Where do I belong" I'm told very firmly - I'm to travel all over to remind the beacons of light of their missions of OUR mission. Strengthen the the light.

We get into the ship - What's the ship like, how does it work -
It is circular. We sit in a circle it works through meditation and thought energy.

The planet I originally come from is peaceful, beautiful and there has never been war. Psychical realm of it is different than 3d, it is more transparent Crystalline in nature.

I'm asked why I was called, asked to come to this planet, why my assistance was called upon.

"HEART. My ability to love. Planet needed a heart. Hearts broken, so I could not relate.

Can the Human Race be set free?

"Yes we can. The human species is resilient. More suffering makes it motivated to come out of it. Human species is a tipping point, open to infinite love, meditation. Ayahuasca, opening the heart reconnect with planet. E.T. - multidimensional. Every Dimension is healing."
-EARTH - Planet.

"How many species of ET are on Earth now in this time?"

Notes of Response: "Thousands - Every type of conscious aware being is surrounding, on, or in the planet Earth now assisting into the transcending into ONENESS.

This is not just a healing of Earth, this is a healing of ALL DIMENSIONS.

Do you have anymore questions ? I am asked.

So I ask "Where do we go from here"

The response I am given is " Home."

Where is Home ? - Sherri asks.

Her final notes of my response:
Entire Awakening.
Addictions must be dropped.

I hope to speak more soon. Now that this channel is open and heard, may these words bring healing to all who read. Blessings of love and light to all.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April flowers

It has been a while since I have written in this blog. Sometimes in life it is hard to write. I have kept journals of my life since I was thirteen and a teenager living in England. Things were alot more simple there than today.
I do not regret much of what I have done in life. I do feel every experience we have is a learning and growing. And I have grown a lot.
Some of our lessons are not easy, they call for us to have faith and courage, and sometimes that faith has to be one day at a time. I have been living my life this way for quite a while.
Other wise things can get very over whelming. Learning to live one day at a time, puts things into perspective. Trying to handle everything each day is impossible.
But living in trust and faith and courage gets us through each day in that peace.
Today I will begin a new journey being on the radio on a weekly basis, once a week.
I am looking forward to bantering with Roger and giving people great deals.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finding your life Calling

Some of us do not really know what we have come here to do. That is not necessary, there are several people that do. Find what interests you, whether you care about the environment, or animals, or even metaphysics, and reach out to help people that do
Speaking for myself, all the help I can get is greatly appreciated and it makes my life alot easier to reach more people.
Grab your yellow pages and look for organizations that are in line with your interests.
But do it, do not make excuses. By reaching out to the people that are in line with what you enjoy, you may find that you find a deeper calling.
Throwing our life away and thinking we are not needed is wrong.
Everyone is needed and believe that you can make a difference and do it.

Following my dreams

Where did my dreams begin? When I was young I was a very independent girl. I was raised in England and I would travel 90 minutes to and fro to get to my school in the height of London. I took two trains and a bus to get to Camden Town from my home town.
There was never any fear or concern in those days. We are fearless in those days.
I think over time, and many boyfriends later, we become more stifled in our lives, we allow others to tell us who we are and what we should do and be.
Others always think they know what is good for us.
But only we know what we want in our hearts.
Nobody else can decide that for us.
Girls grow up believing that all they should want is to get married and have kids.
That is not for everyone. Boys grow up being told that they should want high powered jobs and be rich to take care of those girls. This is also not right.
Everyone is an individual.
Some people's dreams are to be a homemaker and they should follow that, but some people's dreams are different, like mine.
People come into this world for different reasons and we all need to examine ourselves on a deeper level to see what our dreams really are.
Do we want to paint? Do we want to write?
What truly makes us happy?

I love to speak and help others, this is what gives me the greatest happiness.
Its important to find our deeper mission in life.

life decisions

My career was never really a choice it was a calling. Something that I have come here to do. It started when I was twelve and I first saw a medium in England at the spiritual society of Great Britain. I was so impressed and it sent me into a lifelong study. I tried for several years to be a regular girl and work in Banking, finance and Real Estate but that just wasn't for me.
I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. Not by giving them money but by empowering them to let go of their habits and adictions, undertanding themselves on a deeper level through Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions and Empowering them to have what they want in life.
I believe some of us have come into this world for alot more bigger things than getting drunk and watching sports or going to a unfulfilling job.
I am not saying Sports is bad, I am simply saying that if it takes you away from your calling and you spend endless hours just sitting in front of a TV set. What are you really doing with your life?
Too much work is not good either.
We need to grow as souls and fulfill a deeper purpose inside ourselves. We are not robots.
We are spiritual beings that are here to learn and grow.
In order to do this, its important for us to value ourselves and our bodies and minds.
Because this is our life and we may not get the opportunity to come back to the earth as quickly as we have in the past. There are many souls that want to be born.
But not many conscious parents.
What is a conscious parent?
A conscious parent is someone that wants to teach by example. Some one that realizes their children are individuals and need their talents nurtured, whether they are socially acceptable or not.
So if a boy wants to dance, let him. If a girl wants to mountain bike let her.
A conscious parent, knows that what you feed your body is important.
So make sure your kids eat fruit and veggies and high vitamin foods.
A conscious parent is someone that knows that there are no boy roles or girl roles.
Men need to know how to cook and clean.
Just like Women.

Strive to be all you can be in life and you will not be dissapointed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life changes

It has been a very difficult transition to go from being a family to being a single mum. It was very unexpected but I am getting stronger each day.
I have found that doing empowering exercises and talking to friends has been the most helpful getting me through the pain.
Even if family and friends mean well, sometimes they can push you into things that you are not ready for.
Healing is a process, and we cannot rush the steps we need.
Be kind to yourself and remember to do the things that make you happy.
I find comfort from walking my beach. Its miles of hard packed sand and wonderful to clear the mind. I also find peace at night soaking in the bathtub with soft candles.
Its my time away from the kids.

Honor yourself and you will be able to find strength and courage.
Happy New Year